Thursday, May 7, 2009

Leaving on a jet plane~A farewell post

All my bags are packed and I'm ready to go~~~


No matter how unready I am, I still have to go. Haih. i'm going to miss Kuching A LOT. But what to do?

I would like to SAY GOODBYE to all of my friends. I'll miss you all. And I'll do my best to keep in touch with everyone.(I know I seem to have neglected a few, I apologise for my "selfish" conduct)


I would like to wish those who are pursuing their tertiary education...


GOODBYE!!! :))))

Note: This blog will be on hiatus for a while.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Boy, this sure makes me think twice about how I used to perceive the term 'open-mindedness'.

This makes me think about how everyone sees the term 'open-mindedness'. Are we open-minded? Or just simply gullibele? Or perhaps narrow-minded?

Okay, I know the video is long, but I can tell you that it doesn't hurt to watch. ^___^

Friday, April 24, 2009

A retarded musing of mine


A conversation with my dad made me think about sunglasses. And….

That led me to thinking that….

If there are sunglasses, why isn’t there any MOONGLASSES? ( Crazy, I know. But since this is a post about a musing of mine, who cares?) Haha.
Anyway, since sunglasses protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the Sun, I think moonglasses should do the opposite. Well, it’s dark at night so maybe it can somehow enhance the vision of its wearer. Muahaha.

Ok, enough. That’s all for today. More retarded musings will be posted soon(well, maybe). =P

Monday, April 20, 2009

Creepy Crawley and Tagged!

Nearly stepped on this little fellow a few weeks ago. =P

Tagged by Cordelia

Me and Adela during last year's Spell-It-Right Challenge

Upload your fave picture and answer the question below.

Why did you choose the photo?
-Because I like it.

When was the last time you ate pizza?
-The night before SPM results came out

The last song you've listened to?
-Piano by 范逸臣

What are you doing besides answering this tag?

Besides your own name, how do you like people to call you?
-My friends like to shorten my name to Rene. Farrah calls me Renee occassionally.

Tag 6 person, the following questions are related to them.
4)Siw Hua

Who is number 1?
- A close friend of mine

No.3 has a relationship with?
-Hmmm...Keroro since she proclaimed it.

Say something about number 5.
-She's a nice person

How about number 4?
-My classmate since Form 1

Who is number 2?
- My classmate for 3 or 4 years?

Say something to number 6.
-Enjoy your studies!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


01 Who was your last text from ?

02 Where was your default picture taken?
Random clicking. So I'm not sure.(sorry!)

03 Your relationship status?

04 Have you ever lost a close friend?

05 What is your current mood?

06 How many siblings do you have?

07 Whats your brother(s) or sister(s) name?

08 Where do you wish you were right now?
somewhere out there

09 Have a crazy side?

10 Ever had a near death experience?
don't remember. So maybe no?

11 Something you do a lot
play free online games???

12 Angry at anyone

13 What's stopping you from going for the person you like?
I don't have one.

14 When was the last time you cried?
Don't know. A long time ago?

15 Is there anyone you would do anything for?
Yes, my parents

16 What you think about when you are feeling asleep?
Just sleep...

17 Who was the last person you talked to on the phone

18 What is your favourite song?
Too many

19 What are you doing right now
Answering this question

20 Who do you trust right now

21 Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
A shop?

22 Have you kissed someone in the past week?

23 Who is your friend that lives closest to you?
Uh...Isab and Sui Hui?

24 Describe your life in a word

25 Who are you thinking of right now? one

26 What should you be doing right now?
Watching tv

27 What are you listening to?

28 Who was the last person you gave a hug?
Er...was it Farrah or Claire?

29 Who was the last person who yelled at you?
Not sure

30 Do you act differently around the person you like?

31 What is your natural hair colour?

32 Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Harith Iskandar

33 Who was the last person that made you sad?
Don't know

34 What do you hear

35 Is your hair curly or straight
In between, I guess

36 Has anyone ever called you "scrumptious" face?

37 Do you have a best friend?
I can't choose

38 Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 3 days?

39 Do you use smiley face on your computer?

40 Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?

41 Are you happy with your life now?

42 Are you currently jealous?
There's no reason to be.

43 What jewellery are you wearing?

44 What are you doing on Friday night?
Watch tv?

45 Have you ever had your heart broken
My heart is made up of tissues, not glass, so cannot be broken.harr harr.

46 Have you ever broken someone's heart?
Not sure. I'm sorry if I do.

47 Is there anyone you're really disappointed right now?

48 What was the last reason you went for the doctor for?

49 How late did you stayed up last night and why?
12, watching tv

50 Have you dated someone longer than a year?
I've never dated

Lazy to tag...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Worry about you

Remember the series Kingdom Hospital that was showed on tv a few years back? I didn't get to watch the whole series. T__T I've quite forgotten about it actually, until a few days ago I found it on youtube through random clicking.(Now, I'm going to try and watch the whole series)

The series was kinda eerie but interesting at the same time. And....

I love the theme song!!!(it was used in The 4400 as well)

The song is beautiful and depressing at the same time.(depends on how you interprete it)

Here it is:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


My BOYFRIEND!!!! :)))))) lol.
I have nothing to post about. So yeah...